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Photovotalics, Electrochemical CO2 capture and conversion, Surface-enhanced Raman and Photoluminescence, Solar energy harvesting (photovoltaic & photocatalysis), Plasmonics, Atomic force microscopy, Surface potential, Charge transfer

Electrochemical CO2 reduction works during postdoc

(1) Lee, S.-H.; Iglesias, B.; Everitt, O. H.; Liu, J. Controlling Product Selectivity in Hybrid Gas/Liquid Reactors using Gas conditions, Voltage, and Temperature. under revision
(2) Lee, S.-H..; Song, Y.; Iglesias, B.; Everitt, O. H.; Liu, J. Effect of Humidity on C1, C2 Product Selectivity for CO2 Reduction in a Hybrid Gas/Liquid Electrochemical Reactor. ACS Applied Energy Materials 2022, 5, 9309-9314.

Photovoltaic and AFM works during Ph.D.

(1) Lee, S.-H.*; Oh, T.*; Ryu, J.; Mirkin, C. A.; and Jang, J.-W., Understanding Optomagnetic Interactions in Fe Nanowire-Au Nanoring Hybrid Structures Synthesized Through Coaxial Lithography. Chemistry of Materials 2020, 32, 2843 (*Authors contributed equally to this work)
(2) Yun, C.; Han J. W.; Kim, S.; Lim, D. C.; Jung, H.; Lee, S.-H.; Jang, J.-W.; Yoo, S.; Leo, K.; Kim, Y. H., Generating semi-metallic conductivity in polymers by laser-driven nanostructural reorganization. Materials Horizons 2019, 6, 2143
(3) Kim, D. W.; Park, K. H.; Lee, S.-H.; Fàbrega, C.; Prades, J. D.; Jang, J.-W. Plasmon
expedited response time and enhanced response in gold nanoparticles-decorated zinc oxide nanowire-based nitrogen dioxide gas sensor at room temperature, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2021, 582, 658
(4) Lee, S.-H.; Lee, S. W.; Jeon, T.; Park, D. H.; Jung, S. C.; Jang, J.-W., Efficient Direct Electron Transfer via Band Alignment in Hybrid Metal-Semiconductor Nanostructures Toward Enhanced Photocatalysts. Nano Energy 2019, 63, 103841
(5) Yun, C. Y.*; Lee, S.-H.*; Ryu, J.; Park, K.; Jang, J.-W.; Kwak, J.; Hwang, S., Can Static Electricity on a Conductor Drive a Redox Reaction: Contact Electrification of Au by Polydimethylsiloxane, Charge Inversion in Water, and Redox Reaction. Journal of American Chemical Society 2018, 140, 14687-14695 (*Authors contributed equally to this work)
(6)Lee, S.-H.: Jo, J.-S.; Park, J. H.; Lee, S. W.; Jang, J.-W., A Hot-electron-Triggered Catalytic Oxidation Reaction of Plasmonic Silver Nanoparticles Evidenced by Surface Potential Mapping. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2018, 6, 20939-20946.
(7) Lee, S.-H.; Lee, S. W.; Oh, T.; Petrosko, S. H.; Mirkin, C. A.; Jang, J.-W., Direct Observation of Plasmon-Induced Interfacial Charge Separation in Metal/Semiconductor Hybrid Nanostructures by Measuring Surface Potentials. Nano Letters 2018, 18 109-116.

Raman and photoluminescence work during Ph.D.

(1) Lee, S.-H.; Park, K. H.; Jeon, T.; Jeon, G. W.; Kim, S.; Lee, S. W.; Wu, S.; Park, D. H.; Jung, S. C.; Kim, D. Y.; Jang, J.-W. Band Alignment Enabling Effective Charge Transfer for the Highly Enhanced Raman Scattering and Fluorescence of Metal-Nanoparticle-Decorated Conjugated Polymer Nanowires. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2023, 1, 18

Other projects during Ph.D. and M.S.

(1) Jeon, G. W; Lee, S.-H.; Jang, J.-W. Enhanced thermoelectric performance of vertically aligned silicon nanowires through the cold spot effect and charge carrier trapping effect of attached gold nanoparticles Materials Today Energy 2022, 29, 101109
(2) He, S.; Somayaji, V.; Wang, Mengdi; Lee, S.-H.; Geng Z.; Zhu, S.; Novello, P.; Varanasi, V. C.; Liu, J. High entropy spinel oxide for efficient electrochemical oxidation of ammonia. Nano Research 2021, 316, 1.
(3) Jeon, G. W; Lee, S.-H.; Jang, J.-W. Opposite Raman Shift of Ring Stretching Dependent on the Coordinated Silver Volume in Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy of Polypyrrole. The journal of physical chemistry letters 2022. 13, 1300.
(4) Jo, J.‐S.; Choi, J.; Lee, S.‐H.; Song, C.; Noh, H.; Jang, J.-W. Mass Fabrication of 3D Silicon Nano‐/Microstructures by Fab‐Free Process Using Tip‐Based Lithography, Small 2021, 17, 2005036
(5) Ryu, J.*; Lee, S.-H.*; Lee, Y.-H.; Chang, Y.-H.; Jang, J.-W., Helical-structure-dependent Surface-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Enhancement in Gold Nanohelices. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2019, 123, 5626-5633 (*Authors contributed equally to this work)
(6) Park, K. H.; Lee, S.-H.; Toshimitsu, F.; Lee, J.; Park, S. H.; Tsuyohiko, F.; Jang, J.-W., Gate-enhanced Photocurrent of (6,5) Single-walled Carbon Nanotube based Visible Sensing Field Effect Transistor. Carbon 2018, 139, 709-715.
(7) Muneeswaran, M.; Lee, S.-H.; Kim, D. H.; Jung, B. S.; Chang, S. H.; Jang, J.-W.; Choi, B. C.; Jeong, J. H.; Giridharan, N. V.; Venkateswaran, C., Structural, Vibrational, and enhanced Magneto-electric Coupling in Ho-substituted BiFeO3. Journal of Alloys Compounds 2018, 750, 276-285.
(8) Liu, Y.; Shin, I.; Hwang, I.-W.; Lee, J.; Kim, S.; Lee, D. Y.; Lee, S.-H.; Jang, J.-W.; Jung, Y. K.; Jeong, J. H.; Park, S. H.; Kim, K. H., Effective Hot-air Annealing for Improving the Performance of Perovskite Solar Cells. Solar Energy 2017, 146, 359-367.
(9) Lee, S.-H.; Hwang, S.; Jang, J.-W., Giant Temperature Coefficient of Resistivity and Cryogenic Sensitivity in Silicon with Galvanically Displaced Gold Nanoparticles in Freeze-Out Region. ACS Nano 2017, 11, 1572−1580
(10) Yang, M.-S.; Lee, S.-H.; Moon, B. K.; Yoo, S. R.; Hwang, S.; Jang, J.-W., Critical Role of Wettability in Assembly of Zirconia Nanoparticles on a Self-Assembled Monolayer-patterned Substrate. Journal of Applied Physics 2016, 120, 085304.
(11) Lee, S.-H.; Shin, M.; Hwang, S.; Jang, J.-W., Unconventional but Tunable Phase Transition above the Percolation Threshold by Two-layer Conduction in Electroless-deposited Au Nanofeatures on Silicon Substrate. Nanotechnology 2015, 26, 505202.
(12) Lee, S.-H.; Bae, J.; Lee, S. W.; Jang, J.-W., Improvement of Polypyrrole Nanowire Devices by Plasmonic Space Charge Generation: High Photocurrent and Wide Spectral Response by Ag Nanoparticle Decoration. Nanoscale 2015, 7 17328-17337.
(13) Lee, S.-H.; Yang, M.-S.; Kim, Y.: Min, C.; Jang, J.-W., A Micro-fabrication Tool for Automatic Large-area Patterning Using Polymer Pen Lithography. New Physics: Sae Mulli 2015, 65, 615-620.
(14) Lee, S.-H.; Bae, J.; Lee, S. W.; Jang, J.-W., Normalized Contact Force to Minimize “Electrode–Lead” Resistance in a Nanodevice. Bulletin of Korean Chemical Society 2014, 35, 2415-2418.
(15) Lee, S.-H.; Shin, M.; Hwang, S.; Park, S. H.; Jang, J.-W., Correlation between Lateral Photovoltaic Effect and Conductivity in p-type Silicon Substrates. Bulletin of Korean Chemical Society 2013, 34, 1845-1847.
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